How the Metaverse Might Affect Work

Imagine a future in which you could hold a seaside chat with your co-workers, take meeting notes while floating around a space station, or teleport from your London office to New York without leaving your house. Do you feel pressed because you have too many meetings today? Why not send your AI-enabled digital twin instead to relieve you of the burden? These are just a few instances of the future work vision offered by "the metaverse," a phrase invented by novelist Neal Stephenson in 1992 to represent a future world of virtual reality. While resisting categorization, the metaverse is commonly viewed as a network of three-dimensional virtual worlds in which individuals may communicate, do commerce, and form social ties using their virtual "avatars." Consider it a virtual reality version of today's internet.

While the metaverse is still in its infancy in many ways, it has suddenly become huge business, with technological and gaming heavyweights such as Meta (formerly Facebook), Microsoft, Epic Games, Roblox, and others all establishing their own virtual worlds or metaverses. Virtual reality platforms, gaming, machine learning, blockchain, 3-D graphics, digital currencies, sensors, and (in certain circumstances) VR-enabled headgear are among the technologies used in the metaverse.

How can one enter the metaverse? Many existing workplace metaverse solutions require only a computer, mouse, and keyboard keys, but for the complete 3-D surround experience, you'll need to wear a VR-enabled headgear. However, rapid progress is being made in computer-generated holography, which eliminates the need for headsets by using virtual viewing windows that generate holographic displays from computer images, or by deploying specially designed holographic pods that project people and images into actual space at events or meetings). Companies like Meta are also on the cutting edge of haptic (touch) gloves, which allow users to interact with 3-D virtual objects and feel sensations like movement, texture, and pressure.

You may meet friends, raise virtual pets, design virtual fashion items, acquire virtual real estate, attend events, produce and sell digital art, and earn money in the metaverse. However, the consequences of the growing metaverse for the world of work have gotten little attention until lately.

That is beginning to change. The pandemic's consequences, particularly constraints on physical meetings and travel, are driving organizations to seek more realistic, coherent, and interactive distant and hybrid work experiences. The metaverse appears poised to reshape the world of work in at least four significant ways: new immersive forms of team collaboration; the emergence of new digital, AI-enabled colleagues; the acceleration of learning and skill acquisition through virtualization and gamified technologies; and the eventual rise of a metaverse economy with entirely new enterprises and work roles.

Like Being There: Metaverse Teamwork and Collaboration

In a world of virtual employment, the metaverse promises to deliver new degrees of social interaction, mobility, and cooperation. NextMeet is an avatar-based immersive reality platform established in India that focuses on interactive working, collaboration, and learning solutions. Its objective is to eliminate the isolation and workforce separation that might occur as a result of remote and hybrid employment. "With the trend to remote working from the pandemic, keeping employees engaged has been a key concern for many firms," noted Pushpak Kypuram, Founder-Director of NextMeet. You can't keep 20 people engaged in a video call's flat 2-D world; some individuals don't enjoy being on camera; and you're not imitating a real-life scenario. That is why businesses are increasingly resorting to metaverse-based systems."

Employee digital avatars can use NextMeet's immersive platform to enter and exit virtual offices and meeting rooms in real time, walk up to a virtual help desk, give a live presentation from the dais, relax with colleagues in a networking lounge, or roam a conference centre or exhibition using a customizable avatar. Participants enter the virtual world using their desktop computer or mobile device, choose or build their avatar, and then traverse the area using keyboard buttons: arrow keys to walk around, double click to sit on a chair, and so on. "If you're onboarding 10 new employees and present or give them a PDF document to promote the organization, they will lose attention after 10 minutes," Kypuram says. Instead, we have them go through a 3-D hall or gallery with 20 interactive stations where they can learn about the firm. You make people want to walk along the virtual corridor rather than read a text."

Other metaverse start-ups are stressing workplace solutions to combat video meeting weariness and the social isolation that comes with distant employment. PixelMax, a UK-based start-up, assists businesses in creating immersive workspaces that improve team cohesiveness, employee wellbeing, and collaboration. Their virtual workspaces, which can be accessed through a web-based system on your computer without the use of headsets, contain features such as:

"Bump into" experiences: PixelMax's immersive technology allows you to see your co-workers’ avatars in real time, making it simpler to stop and converse with them when you run into them in the virtual office. "Informal and spontaneous talks account for a big percentage of corporate interactions — research estimates up to 90% in areas such as R&D — and during the epidemic we lost a lot of this crucial communication," said Shay O'Carroll, co-founder of PixelMax, in a recent interview.

Well-being areas: These are designated spaces for users all over the world to relax and try something new. "We have constructed well-being environments intended as woods or aquariums," Shay O'Carroll stated. They may even be on Mars. These places may include on-demand content.

Clients may add services like the ability to order take-out food, books, and other products within the virtual environment and have them delivered to your actual location.

Live status tracking: Just as in the actual workplace, you can stroll around and receive a 360-degree view of the office floor, check where colleagues are and who's available, drop in for a brief conversation, and so on.

According to Andy Sands, co-founder of PixelMax, the ultimate objective is to be able to connect several virtual workplaces. It is now constructing a virtual workspace for a group of 40 major interior design manufacturers based in Manchester, England. "It's about developing community, having talks, and interacting." We want worker avatars to be able to go between a manufacturing world and an interior design world, or to take that avatar and enjoy a concert in Roblox or Fortnite."

Working from home may be tough. According to Nuffield Health research, over one-third of UK remote workers struggle to separate home and work life, with more than a quarter finding it difficult to turn off after the work day ends. Virtual workplaces can help to create a greater separation between home and work life by simulating the experience of stepping into the workplace each day and then leaving and saying goodbye to colleagues when your job is completed. At the virtual office, your avatar communicates your position — in a meeting, gone for lunch, etc. — making it simpler to stay connected to co-workers without feeling tethered to the computer or mobile.

Better collaboration and communication will undoubtedly be important drivers of the virtual workplace, but why stop there? The metaverse introduces aspects of adventure, spontaneity, and surprise into the office and work environment, opening up new opportunities for rethinking the office and work environment. Why not a beach setting, an ocean cruise, or even another globe as a virtual office site? Gather, a worldwide virtual reality platform that allows people and businesses to "create their own office," was inspired by this notion. These fantasy workplaces can range from "The Space-Station Office" with views of Earth to "The Pirate Office," which includes ocean vistas, a Captain's Cabin, and a Forecastle Lounge for socializing.

Introduce Your Online Colleague

Our work colleagues in the metaverse will be more than just avatars of our real-world counterparts. We will increasingly be joined by a slew of digital companions – very realistic, AI-powered, human-like bots. These AI bots will serve as advisers and helpers in the metaverse, performing much of the heavy lifting and, in theory, freeing up human labour for more productive, value-added jobs.

Conversational AI systems — computers that can read text and audio interactions and speak in natural language — have made remarkable development in recent years. Such algorithms are gradually evolving into digital people capable of sensing and interpreting context, displaying emotions, making human-like gestures, and making judgments. UneeQ, a worldwide technology platform that focuses on generating "digital people" capable of working in a wide range of disciplines and vocations, is one example. Nola, a digital shopping assistant or concierge for the Noel Leeming stores in New Zealand; Rachel, an always-on mortgage adviser; and Daniel, a digital double of the UBS Chief Economist who can meet multiple clients at once to provide personalized wealth management advice, are among UneeQ's digital workers.

Emotions are the metaverse's next frontier. SoulMachines, a New Zealand-based technological start-up, is combining developments in artificial intelligence (AI) with autonomous animation (such as expression rendering, gaze direction, and real-time gesturing) to create lifelike, emotionally-responsive digital humans. Its digital persons are working as cosmetics advisors, a covid health adviser, real-estate agents, and educational tutors for college candidates, among other things.

For people and companies, digital human technology brings up a world of possibilities. Digital humans are very scalable — they don't stop for coffee — and can be deployed in several locations at the same time. In the metaverse, they might be assigned to more monotonous, tedious, or dangerous tasks. Human employees will increasingly be able to build and develop their own digital co-workers, who will be personalized and adapted to work alongside them. However, digital humans will bring risks, such as increased automation and displacement of human work for lower-skilled workers who have fewer opportunities to move to alternative roles, or possible erosion of cultural and behavioural norms if humans become less inhibited in their interactions with digital humans, behaviour that could then carry over to their interactions with other humans.

Improved Metaverse Learning

The metaverse has the potential to revolutionize training and skill development by substantially shortening the time required to learn and acquire new talents. AI-enabled digital coaches might be available to help with staff training and career counselling. Every item in the metaverse, such as a training manual, machine, or product, might be made interactive, with 3-D displays and step-by-step "how to" manuals. Virtual reality role-playing and simulations will become more frequent, allowing worker avatars to learn in extremely realistic "game play" scenarios like "the high-pressure sales presentation," "the demanding customer," or "a hard employee interaction."

Virtual-reality technology are already being utilized to speed skill development in a variety of industries: Medivis, a surgical technology company, is using Microsoft's HoloLens technology to train medical students by interacting with 3-D anatomy models; Embodied Labs has used 360-degree video to help medical workers experience the effects of Alzheimer's Disease and age-related audio-visual impairments, to aid in diagnosis; and manufacturing giant Bosch and Ford Motor Company have pioneered a VR-training tool, using the Oculus Quest headset, to train technicians on. Metaverse Learning, a UK-based company, collaborated with the UK Skills Partnership to develop a series of nine augmented reality training models for front-line nurses in the UK, using 3-D animation and augmented reality to test learners' skills in specific scenarios and reinforce best practices in nursing care.

The metaverse, with its strong roots in online gaming, can begin to leverage the promise of gamified learning technologies for easier and quicker skill development. According to PixelMax's O'Carroll, "the game becomes the learning activity." We've utilized gamified technologies to teach lab personnel in the medical field; you'll break out into different groups and then go to, instance, a virtual PCR testing equipment where you'll go through stages of learning about how to operate that machine, with your training outcome then recorded." PixelMax is developing games for the UK's first responder community - police, fire fighters, medical personnel, and so on — that mix physical training with immersive gamification, allowing first responders to repeat training, test alternative techniques, and experience varied outcomes.

According to research, virtual-world training can provide significant benefits over traditional instructor or classroom-based training because it allows for more visual demonstration of concepts (e.g., an engineering design) and work practices, more opportunity for learning by doing, and overall higher engagement through immersion in games and problem-solving through "quest-based" methods. Virtual agents, AI-powered bots that can aid learners when they get stuck, give nudges, and create scaled tasks, can also be used in virtual-world learning. The visual and interactive element of metaverse-based learning is also likely to appeal to autistic persons, who prefer visual cues over verbal signals. Virtual reality technologies may also be used to address social anxiety at work, such as by providing realistic yet safe environments to practice public speaking and meeting interactions.

New Functions in the Metaverse Economy

The internet didn't simply provide new methods of working; it also brought a whole new digital economy, with new businesses, jobs, and positions. As the immersive 3-D economy gains traction over the next decade, so will the metaverse. IMVU, an avatar-based social network with over 7 million monthly members, has thousands of producers who create and sell their own virtual items for the metaverse – designer clothing, furnishings, make-up, music, stickers, and pets — earning over $7 million in income every month. The "mashers," or developers, work with the makers to create the fundamental 3-D templates that others may tweak and tailor as virtual objects. A successful mesh may be duplicated and sold thousands of times, giving the developer a substantial profit.

Looking ahead, much as we are seeing the creation of digital-native organizations today, we are likely to witness the birth of metaverse-native enterprises, businesses that are wholly formed and grown within the virtual, 3-D environment. And, just as the internet created new roles that did not exist 20 years ago, such as digital marketing managers, social media advisors, and cyber-security professionals, the metaverse will most likely create a slew of new roles that we can only imagine today: avatar conversation designers, "holoporting" travel agents to ease mobility across different virtual worlds, metaverse digital wealth management and asset managers, and so on.

Challenges and Priorities

Despite its enormous future potential, the metaverse is still in its infancy in many ways. Significant challenges might hamper its future progress: the computational infrastructure and power needs for a fully functional metaverse are formidable, and today's metaverse is made up of disparate virtual worlds that are not connected in the manner that the original internet was. The metaverse also presents a tangle of regulatory and HR compliance challenges, such as possible addiction hazards or undesirable behaviours such as bullying or harassment in the virtual world, about which there has recently been significant concern. While many difficulties remain, corporate executives, policymakers, and human resource professionals should begin with the following imperatives for effective metaverse collaboration:

Make skill portability a priority: Workers will be concerned about skill and qualification portability: "Will experience or credentials obtained in one virtual environment or company be applicable in another, or in my real-world life?" Employers, educators, and training institutions may develop more liquid skills by agreeing on appropriately approved requirements for metaverse skills, as well as suitable certification of training providers. This will assist to minimize quality dilution and provide metaverse-based employees and future employers the certainty they require.

Be a true hybrid: Many organizations had been laggards in the implementation of fully digital modes of working, as seen by the rush to remote work during the pandemic, with outmoded regulations, a lack of infrastructure, and a strong separation between consumer and corporate technology. Enterprises must avoid these blunders in the metaverse by developing integrated working models from the start that allow employees to move seamlessly between physical, online, and 3-D virtual working styles, leveraging metaverse consumer technologies such as avatars, gaming consoles, VR headsets, and hand-track controllers with haptics and motion control that map the user's position in the real world into the virtual world. However, this is merely the beginning. To offer realistic walking experiences, several businesses are exploring virtual locomotion technology such as leg attachments and treadmills. NeXT mind decodes neural impulses using ECG electrodes, allowing users to control items with their minds.

Talk to your children: The metaverse will compel businesses to fundamentally reimagine how they think about training, with a focus on extremely stimulating, immersive, challenge-based material. Companies should consider the younger generation, many of whom have grown up in a gaming, 3-D, socially-connected world, while creating their workplace metaverses. Reverse intergenerational learning, in which members of the younger generation advise and train their elder colleagues, has the potential to significantly aid the spread of metaverse-based working across the workforce.

Keep it open: Today's metaverse has grown mainly in an open, decentralized fashion, thanks to the efforts of millions of developers, gamers, and designers. To fully harness the power of this democratized movement for their employees, businesses must actively seek to extend and open up the metaverse, for example, by pursuing open-source standards and software where possible, and by pushing for "interoperability" — seamless connections — between different virtual worlds. Otherwise, as we have seen in the social media sector, huge technological corporations might swiftly dominate the metaverse, restricting choice and diminishing the possibility for grass-roots innovation.

The workplace of the 2020s already looks quite different from what we might have anticipated only a few years ago: the emergence of remote and hybrid working has transformed people's expectations about why, where, and how they work. The tale of workplace development, however, does not end there. While still in its early stages, the emerging metaverse offers enterprises the opportunity to rebalance hybrid and remote work, recapturing the spontaneity, interactivity, and fun of team-based working and learning while maintaining the flexibility, productivity, and convenience of working from home. However, three things are certain. First and foremost, the rate of adoption will be critical. With the majority of the technology and infrastructure in place, large organizations will need to move quickly to stay up with metaverse innovations and virtual services, or risk being outflanked in the talent market by more agile competitors. Second, the metaverse will be successful only if it is used for employee engagement and experiences rather than for supervision and control. Third, virtual experiences that employees, particularly younger workers, have learned to anticipate from technology in their consumer and gaming lives must be replicated in metaverse-based employment.

Following these concepts, company leaders may begin to conceive and design their own future workplaces.