Secrets of the Illuminati: The Top-Secret Society with Global Plans

When Joe Biden was inaugurated in as President of the United States in January 2021, conspiracy tales about his 'Illuminati bible' went widespread on social media.

According to legend, Biden is a member of a centuries-old secret organization intent on world dominance that includes Jay-Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Katy Perry, and Queen Elizabeth. Except...

Biden was sworn in using a family heirloom, a Douay-Rheims bible, which is used by Roman Catholics worldwide. Jay-Z dismisses rumours regarding his Illuminati membership as "ridiculous." Kanye West believes they're "crazy," while Katy Perry told Rolling Stone that the hypothesis is only for "strange people on the internet." But again, wouldn't the mysterious Illuminati say that? Δ.)

So, what precisely fuels claims about an all-powerful group of celebrities and billionaires that utilize spy-like rules to conceal their identities?

The Illuminati's Ascension

When Adam Weishaupt, a Bavarian professor of canon law, was 28 years old, he founded the radical Illuminati secret organization in Europe. The Illuminati, which was anti-clerical and anti-royal, sought to infiltrate and disrupt strong institutions. They devised a strategy for the worldwide subversion of religion, state, royalty, and society.

Weishaupt desired the abolition of all faiths and the annihilation of all governments so that humanity may dwell joyfully in a world of equality. He imagined the economy functioning as a 'communism of products,' governed by an enlightened (illuminated) elite over which he reigned.

The Order was represented by the Owl of Minerva, which typically accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of knowledge, in Greek mythology. Another Illuminati sign was a dot within a circle, which represented the all-seeing eye of a higher Illuminati watching over the lower echelons rather than God.


The spy networks

To evade detection, the Illuminati borrowed ancient codenames. Weishaupt was known as 'Brother Spartacus,' after the gladiator who led the slave insurgency that terrorized Rome for three years. Weishaupt's goal was to gather young fanatics and bind them together in secret, utilizing Freemason lodges as a recruiting ground. Anyone above the age of 30 was first distrusted.

The lowest levels were separated into cells and divided into hierarchies of Novices, Minervals, and Illuminated Minervals. Weishaupt served as their snitchmaster.

"When he could not persuade them by his own firmness... he employed Jesuitical tricks, causing them to fall out with each other, setting them as spies on each other, and separating any two that he saw attached to each other, by making the one a Master of the other; and, in short, he left nothing undone that could secure his uncontrolled command," writes John Robison in Proofs of a Conspiracy.

Recruits were required to provide the names of their forefathers, relatives, acquaintances, correspondents, and adversaries. They were requested to nominate suitable candidates for admission to the Order and to list those who could be unsuitable, expressing their reasons for both views. They were instructed to observe the behavior of other guys around them and to report back on public or private happenings on a weekly basis.

Recruits were requested to make an oath to follow the society's ideals under the penalty of death after three years of one-on-one study with an Illuminati teacher.

"A drawn sword is then aimed at his breast, and he is questioned, 'Will you be submissive to your Superiors' commands?' He faces inescapable wrath, which no potentate [monarch/ruler] can save him from if he ever betrays the Order," Robison added.

He said that plans were being formed for two sisterhoods, both obedient to male Illuminati - one made up of women of purity, the other of women "who fly out of the normal track of prudish manners." Neither sisterhood was to be aware of the other.


The Illuminati's power

The Barvarian Illuminati infiltrated public offices and courts of law. Estimates of the group's number vary significantly - some say 650, others say 2,500 - but the secret organization was finally revealed and punished. Documents discovered in the houses of Illuminati members such as ambassador Franx Xavier von Zwack proved their goals of global dominance.

In 1785, the Duke of Bavaria, Karl Theodor, prohibited secret organizations and imposed sanctions on those who joined them. But did the Illuminati truly disband?

The writers of Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, Robison and Abbé Augustin Barruel, suggest that the Illuminati survived through infiltrating a Berlin literary society and Masonic lodges. They remind out that Weishaupt was exiled but not imprisoned, allowing him to continue writing and working. Barruel even pushed the belief that hidden societies, such as the Illuminati, were responsible for the French Revolution.


The Illuminati of America

Fears about the hazardous group had reached the United States by 1798. Although George Washington addressed an open letter explaining that the United States had evaded the Illuminati threat, the mere mention of the secret society resurrected the topic and the anxiety.

Rumors of hidden alliances and double-crosses plagued early American elections, but it wasn't until the emergence of electronic media and the internet that conspiracy theories gained traction.

The satirical Illuminatus Trilogy reintroduced the secret organization to the public in the mid-1970s, and it has stayed there since Dan Brown's thriller Angels & Demons was published in 2009.

Many Illuminati enthusiasts in America think that the 'Eye of Providence,' the eye-in-a-triangle located on the reverse of the US dollar note, is an Illuminati sign connecting the European cult to the highest levels of US government and power corridors.

In truth, the all-seeing eye was initially a Christian emblem, appearing in Renaissance religious art to depict God, such as in Pontormo's Supper at Emmaus.

The eye can also be found on some early copies of the Douay-Rheims Bible, which President Biden held on Inauguration Day. That doesn't necessary imply that the Illuminati intends to destabilize the world's governments and install President Biden, Lady Gaga, Eminem, and other rappers as new rulers. Sometimes a coincidence is simply that.


"Y'all haters corny with that Illuminati crap," Beyonce sings in her smash song Formation.