Video games can aid in the resolution of global issues

Video games, formerly considered an obsessive hobby, may now help to improve the world via science and technology. In recent years, video games have taken on an altogether new meaning by motivating children to seek jobs in STEM industries and assisting in the resolution of real-world problems. Let's look at how video games can assist address global challenges and spark innovation in the future.

Not everyone enjoys video games

Some individuals just do not like them or do not have time for them, and that is perfectly OK. However, for those who do play video games (and enjoy them), we recommend viewing it as a means to gain new skills, progress your profession, and even generate money. In fact, there are many reasons to play video games that have nothing to do with entertainment: they could help solve some of the world's most pressing issues.

The significance of video games

Video games are frequently viewed as a harmless diversion for children and teens who use them to unwind after school or on weekends. However, a growing body of evidence shows that video games may play an important role in improving world affairs, from education to disaster assistance and beyond.

Careers in video game creation and design

It's never been a better time to work in video game production, as more businesses, non-profits, and government agencies turn to game technology for outreach and training. In 2015, the global market for mobile games alone reached $43 billion, which was more than three times higher than Hollywood box office receipts that year.

The ability to solve problems in video games

Video games are effective instruments for developing problem-solving abilities. In fact, in an increasing number of cases, what is considered good gaming has very little to do with winning or losing at all—the act of solving problems is what brings many gamers satisfaction. With that in mind, video games could be exactly what we need as civilization attempts to address some of its most pressing issues.

How video games help to become better workers

Did you realize that video games are really beneficial to your health? There has never been a better time to hone your skills because of the growing demand for tech and video game workers. But is there more to how we use games as a tool to help us excel in other areas of our lives than meets the eye? Let us investigate.

Jobs in video games in the future

from player to game designer According to Newzoo's Global Games Market Report, global revenue from video games is expected to reach $110 billion by 2016. The video game industry is booming as more and more consumers choose to buy new games over more traditional forms of entertainment such as movies and television shows. According to a Nielsen study, for every two people who discontinue their cable service, one person begins playing video games.

Finding employment as a video game designer

Many firms, like Google, Apple, and Microsoft, have video game creative teams. These organizations are always looking for exceptional individuals who can make their video games both enjoyable and difficult. If you want to work as a video game designer, look for job openings at well-known companies or indie firms that create online or mobile games. Another alternative is to create your own video game design company. If you already have some expertise writing or dealing with computer programs, you may be able to do so from home.