Companies That Are Reskilling and Up-skilling Employees for the AI Job Market


The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most important developments in the history of technology. It's not just about computers making better decisions; it's also about how we work with machines and what that means for our jobs. In this article, we'll discuss some options available to companies that are reskilling and up-skilling their employees for the AI job market.


Microsoft has been hiring for AI-related roles since the 1990s, when it created its first Research Group to focus on artificial intelligence. The company has continued this trend with its recent creation of a new Artificial Intelligence and Research Group. This group will be working on building tools that can help developers create more sophisticated algorithms for machine learning, as well as developing new ways to use machine learning in applications like search engines or chatbots.


IBM is one of the leading companies in the AI job market. It has been working on AI for decades, and it has a lot of experience in researching, developing, and implementing artificial intelligence systems. In fact, IBM was one of the first companies to develop what we now call “machine learning” as far back as 1956 when they created Watson (now known as Blue Jeans).

IBM also offers training courses that teach employees how to use machine learning algorithms. These courses can help you understand more about how your team can benefit from using these powerful tools


Samsung is partnering with the Korean government to create a technical institute that will focus on AI and robotics. The company is working with other companies, including SK Hynix, LG CNS and Hyundai Heavy Industries to create this institute, which will train workers with skills in machine learning, deep learning and virtual reality technologies.

Samsung’s CEO has also been vocal about how important it is for companies to up-skill their employees so they can compete in the AI job market. In an interview last December at Mobile World Congress Americas 2019 in Barcelona (Spain), he said: “If you want your company to survive in this market, then you have got to invest heavily into reskilling your employees or else they are not going to be able find jobs."


Google is one of the companies that are reskilling and up-skilling their employees for the AI job market. They offer a range of courses, including AI and machine learning, at their Google Developer Experts (GDE) program.


Amazon is a company that is reskilling and up-skilling employees for the AI job market. The company has been focusing on developing its digital assistant Alexa, as well as improving its services and products.

Amazon's AI team is working to develop new services and products such as voice recognition, text-to-speech technology, natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), computer vision and speech synthesis. They are also helping Amazon improve user experience through these technologies by making shopping easier for customers who use it every day.


Apple is using AI to improve customer service, retail business, products and automation.

The company has been using machine learning for five years now and it's been a big success in terms of automating customer support. The technology allows Apple to detect common problems such as battery drain or slow performance on iPhones or iPads by analyzing usage data from millions of devices that have already been used by customers around the world.

Facebook and Twitter

Facebook and Twitter have both been working on AI tools to help with customer service and moderation. Facebook is testing an assistant for its Messenger chat app that can assist users in finding the right person to talk to or provide assistance. The company says it wants the new AI tool to be "a little more like a human" than other bots it has built, allowing it to recognize phrases and understand context before responding (for example, if someone mentions their cat, the bot might know enough information about cats that it could suggest another topic).

Twitter also plans on using artificial intelligence as part of its efforts at improving customer service by providing automated responses based on keywords used within posts or direct messages (e.g., when someone mentions their favorite pizza place near them)., Oracle, Red Bull and Tesla Motors, Oracle and Red Bull are three companies that have begun reskilling their employees to prepare for the AI job market.

Salesforce provides an online workforce management platform that allows companies to track and manage their employees' time with built-in analytics tools. The company's cloud-based software also offers predictive analytics capabilities that can help businesses make more informed decisions about employee performance and productivity as well as predict future needs in terms of hiring or training new staff members. In addition, it offers a suite of services ranging from HR management tools through employee communications platforms (e-mail) through back office support systems for human resources departments such as payroll processing or 401k reporting systems."

This article discusses the options available to companies that are reskilling and up-skilling their employees for the AI job market. The article focuses on companies that are using AI to train their employees, as well as those who have already made this change. It lists a number of companies that have started doing this as well as some tips on how you can use your own resources (or outside help) in order to find out what kind of training is needed for your specific industry or position type.


The AI job market is a global one, and companies that are reskilling and up-skilling employees to meet this demand will benefit. The trend towards automation will only increase with time, so it is important for every company to find ways to keep their people sharp.